Project Love and Honour


About Project Love and Honour

Does the word chaos fit into your world? Do your hours, days, weeks or month feel like a whirlwind- constantly turning and twirling around you? Do you take the time you need to love and honour the things that make you who you are, empower yourself to strive for the next moment/memory/dream or get inspired to move towards your goals and desires?

The planning of #projectloveandhonour was ignited, as I felt my internal and external world shift as I participated in a beautiful project ‘ProjecHeal’ by Carly Marie. I first participated in her 31day project, 10months after I lost my little boy inutero at 34weeks gestation. Hudson was perfect, our first little boy that would make us the proudest parents. In peaceful silence, he gave us memories to hold onto for a lifetime. But there I was so incredibly lost, confused as I craved something more. As I started to let light in, I chose to look towards his beauty, I found myself rebuilding my life more aligned than ever before. The commitment to 31 prompts and to dig deep inside to find my truth buried underneath all the chaos and a lifetime of societal, parental views that was not authentic to me, was life changing. Unpacking past conditioning and traumas that lead me to this point was critical in moving forward. Because of Hudson and my commitment to living a raw and authentic life for him-inspired by him, I found so much gratitude and peace and continue to learn, increase my self-awareness and empathy each new day.

Please join me throughout various times of the year to truly connect to the truth within you, to answer with 100% conviction even if it scares the pants off you, because until you free yourself from your own mind, there will always be this tug, trying to pull you in the oppositive direction than your dreams.

Maiden to Mother

Matrescene or the unfolding of a mother- the physical, emotional, hormonal, and social transition to becoming a mother.

Though the journey may be hard & uncomfortable every moment is worth it. Forever open your mind to the multitude of opportunities that exist. Become self-aware and remain conscious of the world you choose every day. Move, Nourish, Connect, Be!

Pregnancy and Baby Loss Awareness Month

October is Pregnancy and Baby Loss Awareness month. A month to spread awareness but to reflect, cherish and honour the life of our little miracle/s, the bereaved parents, their friends and family and acknowledge the lifelong heartache, that exists forever.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health matters, YOU matter! Share your journey throughout the 7 days prompts or activities that allow you to search, seek and unpack the truths that lie deep inside. We can heal, move & grow ‘better together’ so step out, reach out, and be there to support yourself, loved ones, friends or family on a journey to true happiness inside and out.